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Evan Spear Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.  Links to our Articles of Incorporation and IRS Determination Letter: 


Evan Spear Foundation, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors, who ensure that sound ethical and legal governance and financial management policies are in place.  As stewards of the Evan Spear Foundation they are advocates for our mission and ensure the sustainability of our organization.   


The role and legal duties of our Board of Directors are:


Duty of Care: Take care of the nonprofit by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facility, people, and good will.


Duty of Loyalty: Ensure that the nonprofit's activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission; recognize and disclose conflicts of interest; make decisions that are in the best interest of the nonprofit corporation and not in the best interest of an individual board member or any other individual or for-profit entity.


Duty of Obedience: Ensure that the nonprofit obeys applicable laws and regulations; follows its own bylaws; and that the nonprofit adheres to its stated corporate purposes/mission.


Our board members volunteer their time and are not compensated.  

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